
The preschool operates throughout the year from the last week in January until the third week of December each year. Children can be enrolled for morning or afternoon sessions or for the whole day.

Monday – Friday

Daily Routine

In the morning when each child arrives they are encouraged to hang up their bag, put their lunch in their cubby, and find their name on the “name tree” to put on their cubby (practising name recognition). Children are engaged in free play activities, inside and outside, each morning until 11:20 am. Free play means that children can choose activities and resources in different areas. Teachers are there to facilitate children's learning through setting up the environment and engaging in interactions based on prior observations of children's play and learning interests     

At 11.20 am we tidy up ready for “circle time” at 11:30 am. Circle time includes stories, rhymes, singing, dancing, celebrating and discussing and/or sharing news. This is a time when teachers make the most of “teachable moments” and make connections with children's interests and observe their learning. 

At 11.45 pm we say karakia before sitting down for lunch together. Children are encouraged to sit at tables and eat from their lunchbox. Teachers are always on hand to help out.For the rest of the day children are free to play inside or outside (weather permitting), choosing from a wide range of  equipment and resources. The teaching team use this time to foster individual interests and skills.There is a Kai Table available at all times so that children can help themselves to their morning and/or afternoon tea when they are hungry or thirsty. Teachers are around to support if needed.